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發布時間:2021-09-23 21:53:29

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Under the banner against the black car ,tory burch outlets, black car carrying passengers gathered . Reporters Zhou Ge photo

leading transit hub station exit on the left temple ,discount tory burch, erected a huge Jinting sign still hanging above the banner against the black car , two motorcycles behind the illegal operation is a non- brand , However, the black car in the side still get together Showmanship,tory burch shoes women, a

yesterday afternoon, Mr. Liu by EMU from Cheng back to Chongqing . Taxi stand lined up , Mr. Liu went on to follow the sheep off the leading transit hub Temple exit .

here , seven private cars in a row , loudly Showmanship. Buick car on the driver's door to indicate Mr. Liu .

yesterday afternoon, a reporter at the scene waiting for half an hour , and only two suspected football to the passengers to leave the black car . The black car is still searched for more prey .

After a few seconds , a car passing traffic enforcement here . Law enforcement vehicles left, have left their position 56 meters black car , went back to its original position and continue Showmanship.

Subsequently, the reporter posing as passengers, and a few black car driver talking.

in the fight against the black car of choice under the banner Showmanship , black truck driver said , ride in the car to drive on , or put on hold short . joint to a crackdown , but also good business to do it a few days , you ride or inconvenient .

correspondent Xiaxiang Zhou

2. 專科能考律師嗎










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